UK Temp Labour Market To Sustain Momentum Throughout 2014

The number of UK workers in short-term employment increased by 13.8% between 2011 and 2014, as revealed by a new study carried out by CareerBuilder and its unit Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI). This compares to growth of 2.5% for total job placements. Expectations are that the positive trend will persist through the rest of this year.
The report projects the strongest temp demand in the teaching & educational and childcare & related personal services categories. Placements in each are expected to rise by 5% in 2014. The number of temporary jobs in the teaching category reached 57,015 last year and is forecast to grow to 59,839 this year. The respective figures for the childcare category are 10,551 and 11,086.
showing that 56% of businesses intend to bring more temps and contractors on board in 2014
According to CareerBuilder UK managing director Scott Helmes, the economic uncertainties in recent years have made companies wary about permanent hiring. Temporary workers, on the other hand, are proving very popular with employers, giving them access to a diverse talent pool at short notice, Helmes said. A separate study by the company offers further proof of this, showing that 56% of businesses intend to bring more temps and contractors on board in 2014.
Employment activity is typically the briskest in London because of the area's large population. However, growth in temp jobs is stronger in other regions, which is a heartening sign that the economic recovery is progressing on a national level. The East Midlands is expected to record the largest increase in temporary jobs this year (5%), while London is at the bottom of the table with a 2% rise.
EMSI used its vast database to carry out the study. The information is derived from nine government sources and provides a comprehensive picture of the UK labour market through data on 369 job roles, 563 industries and 385 geographies.