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Recent cyber attacks on umbrella companies

You may be aware of recent cyber-attacks on a number of our competitors within the umbrella company sector.This has caused significant disruption to systems which has left some providers unable to process payrolls or communicate with clients.We would like to reassure you that in the event of any such event, Liquid Friday has a robust and tested crisis recovery plan in place. This includes the complete replication of our server throughout the day.We also undertake regular comprehensive reviews of system security in line with the measures recommended by the National Cyber Security Centre and outlined in our own Cyber Security Statement, a copy of which can be accessed below.

Full contingencies in place

We recently, over the course of a weekend, carried out an additional deep dive scans on our server and all devices. Our IT support partners remain entirely satisfied with the integrity of our systems against vulnerability.In the event that, Liquid Friday should be subject to a similar cyber-attack as has been seen to target the industry recently, we have full contingencies in place to communicate with affected contractors and to restore payments without substantial disruption to contractors.Given the current elevated risk of cyber-attacks, most notably ransomware attacks, we would recommend that you check that all suppliers on your PSL have appropriate measures in place to respond to any such incidence.If you have any concerns or have been affected by recent events, please do not hesitate to contact the team.

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