We’ve passed our annual FCSA review with flying colours!

Everyone loves a certificate! Last week a special one landed in the Liquid Friday inbox - official confirmation that for another year we have successfully completed the FCSA assessment process and continue to be fully accredited members.
About the FCSA
The Freelancer and Contractor Services Association (FCSA) is an independent trade association for professional employment service providers. The association is committed to raising standards and acting as a united voice for the freelance and contractor industry.
Why FCSA membership matters
There are two types of FCSA member - Associate members (blue logo) and Accredited Members (orange logo). Only fully Accredited Members have been independently assessed against the FCSA’s stringent Code of Compliance by FCSA approved assessors.
Our annual review was carried out by Ernst and Young LLP and included an in depth audit to demonstrate the reality of our business activities and submission of detailed supporting documents to HMRC. Download our accreditation here.
Horror stories
You don’t have to look very far to find horror stories of what can happen when agencies fail to carry out sufficient due diligence on their PSL. Just recently we reported on the £45 million VAT scam perpetrated by a company offering seemingly legitimate umbrella payroll. Read the full story here.
In other cases HMRC have uncovered tax avoidance schemes involving an off-shore employer or individual buried somewhere in the supply chain. Where PAYE has been avoided, HMRC can collect tax from any company down the chain, so recruitment agencies can find themselves liable, even where they had no idea of the scheme’s existence.
Promoters of these schemes are clever and persuasive. Using only fully accredited FCSA members on your PSL highly mitigates your risk of being implicated when HMRC take action.
Recommended by the REC
The Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) advises its members to use only FCSA member companies. In fact all umbrella companies must be members of the FCSA before they can be granted REC business partner status.
The REC’s CEO Kevin Green confirms: “We are happy to recommend to all REC members who use or are looking to use a third party supplier of contractor accountancy or umbrella services, to use FCSA compliant members to minimise their risk”.
In other news… our new opening hours
At Liquid Friday we know that a contractor’s working day is often outside of 9-5.
So from Monday 3rd July, workers can now speak to our Contractor Care team from 8am - 7pm Monday-Friday.
During these hours our team will be available to discuss:
- Joining Liquid Friday
- Checking the progress of an application
- Updating personal details
- Letting us know about a new assignment
- Checking payroll
- Any other queries
We are always looking for ways we can add value and deliver exceptional service to our agencies and workers.
We would love to hear from you if you have any suggestions how we can enhance the Liquid Friday experience. Get in touch