Compliance shouldn’t be a choice
Comprehensive compliance should be a basic requirement for every recruiter when putting together a PSL. What makes Liquid Friday different is that we achieve industry leading compliance whilst maintaining our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and the most flexible Umbrella Payroll possible for our agency partners.
Key to achieving this is putting our money where our mouth is and investing in industry leading compliance. It is important to remember that we will always “Walk the Walk” and not just “Talk to the Talk”.
The recruitment industry does not like instability or uncertainty that is why investing in people and ensuring that they receive comprehensive technical training to be able to support agencies navigate complex issues is vital to Liquid Friday’s success.
Three years ago Liquid Friday accepted the challenge of joining the most stringent compliant industry body, the FCSA, in order to remain an industry leader. Since then we have welcomed the FCSA and their audit partner Ernst & Young (“EY”) to review our processes and policies every 12 months.
We have been asked by many agencies why we are not members of Professional Passport or PRISM, the answer to this has always been simple; we are already members of the most robustly audited organisation that holds its members to account. We also felt that we did not want to water down our compliance standards.
With the creation of PRISM a lot of confusion has grown regarding the key differences between these bodies, Liquid Friday has been asked to break down these differences in real terms for our agencies. Therefore, we believe it is important to share this information (and maybe save you all some work if procuring a compliant Umbrella).
The key differences are:
Ensuring that your PSL includes a good mix of highly qualified compliant organisations is vital to any agency, even more so now. Whilst Liquid Friday respects the attempts of PRISM and Professional Passport to help its members “do the right things” we feel that only the FCSA, with the help of Ernst & Young and it is partners, are able to continue to educate providers, agencies and contractors, whilst working with Government Departments to shape decisions that will affect the industry.
Referring contractors to fantastic providers is vital for all agencies. Choosing Liquid Friday will mean you are working with an externally verified compliant provider that also recognises customer service is paramount, in order to deliver what is needed when it matters. That means you can recommend Liquid Friday to contractors in the knowledge that they will be well looked after.
To refer now please speak with us!
To find out more about the FCSA, please
click here.